Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I said "yes"...

This summer has turned out to be much more busy than I ever expected. As a result, I've fallen behind in blogging and reading blogs. I'm doing my best to catch up right now (still chuckling at Allison's birthday story).

I submitted my resignation at work last week in preparation for returning to school on August 28th. It's hard to believe that I will be leaving my job of the past 10 years, however I have to say that I will not miss it one bit. The company I work for has gone screwy and several others have also jumped ship, so I'm glad to go. The only thing I will really miss is having 100% medical coverage.

And, you can probably guess the rest from the below picture:


Drea said...


On saying "yes" and on quitting a job to go back to school!!

All the best!


HVS said...

Congrats-will your future husband have medical insurance to cover both of you?or will you have to "wing it"..

School's good,I'm also so sick of my job I'm looking forward to quitting.
Good luck!

jill. said...

congrats! i saw it on facebook, but i was waiting for the post. your ring is very sparkly :)

Allison said...

Wow! That's beautiful. I'm usually not a fan of diamond rings because I find them gaudy most of the time, but that is gorgeous. I approve. ;-)

Kerri. said...


Welcome to the world of engaged bloggers. :) Your ring is just gorgeous - I am so happy for you!!!

Amber-Bams said...

CONGRATULATIONS Lori! That is wonderful, the engagement, leaving the job, starting school, everything!

Kelsey said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful ring :)

Christine said...

Congrats! That's a gorgeous ring!

Donna said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you warned us before I scanned down to see that huge rock! It's beautiful - I almost need my sunglasses to look at it!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like things are going well for you: following your heart and what you seem to know in your gut is the right decision: quitting a job you're unhappy at, pursuing your education further and getting married! Wow! I think diabetics are pretty damn good at following gut instincts, and I have a hunch you're on to something fabulous here!

BTW, I just started reading your blog, and am enjoying it. Thanks for posting.

Bernard said...

Congratulations. I'm sure you've a big smile on your face!

Denise said...

Congrats on your engagement.

Penny Ratzlaff said...

I've been on vacation and am just catching up...

Congratulations!!!!! The ring is beautiful.